Passover 2020 – Spring Camp Meeting -April 8th – 16th, Dandridge, TN


The time for the next camp meeting is closing in on us fast. In fact it is right around the corner. Only 2 months away.

Dates: April 8 – April 16

If you haven’t registered already be sure to register as soon as possible.

Please register at:

Payments can be made by:
Check, Cash, credit card (+ 4% processing fee), and Paypal (**If you have been to the previous camp meetings you understand the blessings of coming to camp, the family, the fellowship.

You also don’t want to miss this beautiful lodge that we have booked this time found in Tenessee called Mountain Lake Lodge on Douglas Lake South of Knoxville.

2865 Mountain Ranch Dr, Dandridge, TN 37725**We have a plan for meals and lodging the prices can be seen in the registration form. *

Lodging is filling up so please register as soon as you can. We have two log cabin rooms still available (sleeps 8), three cabins (sleeps 4), and two gym rooms (sleeps 4) still remaining. We also have RV and Tent Sites available. Please access our registration form for prices and availability.

We are pleased to announce a plant-based menu and hope to have it published by mid-March.

If you have a food allergy please annotate it on your registration.

Due to the overwhelming positive reviews on the Bible Study format we plan to implement that during Passover and including a Q&A session afterwards.

We will also plan to incorporate other topics such as health demonstrations and cooking.

If you’d like to volunteer we are looking for all sorts of talent to include but not limited to working with the children’s program, music, food preparation, and Bible study facilitators.

If you would like to help, please add it to the registration form.

Thank you to those who have paid their deposits. A friendly reminder that everyone attending should be paid in full no later than April 1. If you have any payment questions please reach out to Sister Gail.
Points of contact: Gail Bremner at or 828-242-3115 or Charlesvincent Agbisit at

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