Georgia Camp Meeting – April 13-21, 2014 – TRSC


The cycle of appointed times on our Father’s calendar is a vivid portrayal of seed time and harvest in the life of the believer, and their application was wonderfully illustrated at our first official Feast of Tabernacles camp meeting at Talking Rock in Georgia, U.S.A. where the Prophetic Son of God was the theme. Before the appointed time had even begun the Divine Pattern of 1st Corinthians 8:6 provided a safe place for confession, repentance, submission, and commitment, through the channel of blessing. We discovered that in the Spirit of repentance, there is a path to unity, and that all who seek God will receive, as He is no respecter of persons. We believe this was only a foretaste of what our Father wants to reveal in us.

In the spirit of Atonement and Tabernacles we want to cordially invite you to come “taste and see that the Lord is good” during our spring family reunion in Talking Rock April 13-21. The occasion is Passover and the feast of Unleavened Bread where our Saviour will continue to be the heart, and focus of our assembling with the theme: “Christ our Sacrifice is Passover for Us.”

We are not asking for a declaration in favor of the feasts as a test of fellowship at this or any convocation. We truly relish communion with all knowing that the Lord’s Supper is rich in meaning and the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world is a theme that can never be exhausted. It is on this that we wish to focus! There is more to ponder; the subject is broad. Presenting our lives, a living sacrifice, crucified with Christ, drinking his blood and eating His flesh, Jesus living in us, cleansing our temples, removing the leaven–there is so much to consider!

Our schedule will focus on prayer, study, family, and individual interaction sprinkled with inspiring messages from our invited speakers Adrian Ebens, Lynnford Beachy, Igor Vujica, Rick Tyler, Mark Martin and Eric Wilson. A tentative schedule can be found HERE.



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The Passover itself will be a simple agape feast with the ordinance of humility, communion, testimonies and song. We are planning workshops on door to door canvasing, and the Divine Pattern. The majority of one day has been set aside as “Family Day”, which will take place outdoors in nature at Fort Mountain State Park where there is breathtaking scenery, and many hiking trails. There will be a family Passover choir. Time has also been scheduled with our brother Jason Hovey to teach those who have an interest how to witness to Muslims and others. One afternoon will be dedicated to witnessing in Atlanta where a table of materials will be set up in a strategic location. People will take turns manning the table and others will go out two by two for street ministry and to pass out literature.

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If you are planning to attend we are encouraging you to Register, so that we may be able to accommodate and serve you better. You may stay on campus at one of our seven RV sites (electricity, water, but no sewer hookup), or one of the 16 tent sites. The registration page also has info on lodging, and more.

We are anticipating another joyous 8-10 day outpouring of our Father’s rich blessings. Please prayerfully consider the invitation to be part of this time of focusing on Christ.

“Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.” (1 Corinthians 5:7-8 KJV)

Sincerely the Board of Talking Rock Sabbath Chapel,

Gary & Carolyn Hullquist,
Jason & Kristi Lockridge,
Doug & Robyn Platt,
Jason Hovey,
and Frank Klin

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