Who is the Church?

Who is the Church?

New Video – Upon This Rock – Foundation of our Faith   The foundation of Seventh-day Adventism has been changed according to their own fundamental beliefs. Fundamental Principles of early Adventism have been discarded, a prophecied...

A New President for America -Building Walls or Breaking Walls Down

During the election campaign recently elected President Donald Trump called for a wall to be built across the southern border in order to protect...

What is God’s Remnant Church? – The Remnant of Her Seed – His Covenant...

This is such a misunderstood question. So much so that I thought it would be well to put together a short study on this...

New Booklet Available – What is the Church

The PDF is available here This new booklet deals with the important issue concerning God's Church and is available to anyone who would like copies...

What is the Church?

One of the most important and pressing questions in the study of the bible is this very question. It has been such a misunderstood...

The Problem with Laodicea

This is a biblical analysis of the symptoms, and the cause of the symptoms of the Laodicean Church. As with all prophecy, we must...

Ch. 6: Recognizing Your Identity – The Temple of God

The Family The term “mother of us all” (Gal 4:26) denotes that we are children of the heavenly Jerusalem. The Bible tells us that we...

Mystery Babylon, Greek Philosophy, Skepticism, Doubt, and The UNKNOWN God

Skeptical Greek Philosophy led to ignorance and superstitions among the Greeks some of whom set up “an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN...

New Video – The Two Churches – The Church of the Firstborn and the...

[youtube] What does the bible say and how does the bible define God's Church. The difference between the Church of God as described by...

The Mother of Us All – Church of The Firstborn

New Jerusalem - The Mother of Us All Gal 4:26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. Jerusalem below...

What or Who is an Adventist?

  Misapplying the name Adventist The first answer we are likely to hear is one who has a membership with the worldwide General Conference of Seventh-day...

The Mark of the Beast and the Seal of God – The Third Angels...

The Third Angels Message - Revelation 14 details a message of 144,000 who overcome sharing the three angels messages. The third angels message warns...

Earthquake at Andrews – Former NCC General Secretary is Keynote Speaker

Can you imagine authorities saying an earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale is only a small tremor? Furthermore, what if only a small...

The Shaking and the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

“The mighty shaking has commenced and will go on, and all will be shaken out who are not willing to take a bold and...

God’s Church Organization – The House Built on the Rock – New Book

This book is a must read for anyone who is struggling with understanding who and what the Church is in this time. Many of...
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