Camp Meeting Videos


For those who were unable to attend the camp, all who were there can certainly testify that it was a true blessing. The fellowship was wonderful. We could not livestream due to the internet being too weak of a signal. We have several of the videos up on the Youtube Channel, and many more coming this week. For those who would like to be notified of the new ones as they come out be sure to go to the Youtube Channel, subscribe and press the little bell button.
Youtube Channel

Here are a few of the videos we have already on the channel from the camp.

Sabbath More Fully and Nominal Adventists – David Barron

Health in the scriptures – Paul Nison

The Real Present Truth

Elijah and the Image to the Beast – David Barron

Gold Tried in the Fire – Christian Israel

More is coming soon. Also, our newsletter will be released this week. For those who are not getting it mailed to their house and would like a free copy, you can sign up here.

Free Newsletter Mailing Signup Page

Stay tuned as we continue to add more videos from the camp.

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