The Temple of God – The BOOK – Now in PDF


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The purpose of this book is to use to reach people. People are sick and they need hope. They need the Holy Spirit. They need to recognize themselves as children to whom God is willing to give good gifts. I am hoping this will be in print soon, and that it will reach many more people.

Our Heavenly Father wants nothing more than to give good things to His children. He wants for us to “ABOVE ALL THINGS…BE IN The Temple of God - Overcoming Disease PDF HEALTH.” (3 John 2) So why are we not vibrant and full of life and energy? When we have every advantage of modern science, why are so many pronounced incurable, and why are we all dependent on pharmaceuticals to continue to sustain life? Why are we all secretly depressed and filled with anxiety and guilt that no drug or therapy can cure? We have lost the sense of our VALUE, of what we were created to be, of who the creator is, and the good gifts He is willing to give, and every curse has followed. We have no understanding of the immense PRICE that has been paid for us, burdened with diseases such as diabetes and cancer. overweight, suffering with heart disease and numerous other preventable ailments.


We are aimlessly floating through a life of suffering, without purpose and without hope. When the burden of disease is heaped on our shoulders, we have nowhere to turn but the doctor, whose solutions we blindly accept. All too often, we are offered no healing, but only greater suffering. But this is not God’s will for anyone—He wants you to be well! He is willing to heal you if you will cooperate with Him. He wants you to realize the inestimable value that He has placed on you, the incredible PRICE He was willing to pay for you. This book contains vital information for all who desire health, healing and true happiness.

I intend to blog a chapter a week on my website so that it is able to be copied. I pray Father enlightens each one as they read this book in regards to their calling as medical missionaries.

The end of the book gives recommendations on doing a 10 day cleanse.


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