Putting the Pieces Together- Harmonizing Seemingly Hard to Understand Quotes from Ellen Whites writings on the topic of the Godhead.


Book – Putting the Pieces Together – Harmonizing Seemingly Hard to Understand Quotes

” alt=”Ellen White Godhead Trinity heavenly trio” width=”145″ height=”190″ align=”right” />from Ellen Whites writings on the topic of the Godhead. Courtesty of Restitution Ministries. http://www.acts321.org


(1) “the heavenly Trio”
(2) “there never was a time”
(3) “life, original, unborrowed, underived”
(4) “eternal heavenly dignitaries”
(5) “as much a person”
(6) “Holy Spirit is a person”
(7) “third person of the Godhead”
(8) “three highest powers”
(9) “gave themselves”
(10) “three holiest beings”

Appendix I
(Dr. Kellogg & the Trinity)
Appendix II
(How many divine beings?)

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