This series was done in the spring, however, so appropriate and important for us to see right now. We need to be established in the truths of Daniel and the Revelation. This study breaks down the final verses of Daniel 11 and explains a prophecy that Jesus told us we needed to understand.
In part 1 we deal with the strange and false God of the King of the North.
In part 2 we break down Daniel 8 and Daniel 11 and 12 in relation to the “Daily” as well as the sanctuary message, the 2300, 1290, and 1335 days.
In part 3 we reiterate some of part 2, and finally break down the last 6 verses in Daniel 11 and how they are coming to pass at this very time. You do not want to miss any of these videos.
Prophecy The Time of the End – Daniel 11 – The Daily and...