The Australian Years 1891 through 1900

“The Godhead in Black and White” book.

At the General Conference session of 1891, Mrs. White was presented with an urgent call to visit Australia to give counsel and assist in church work in that pioneer region. Responding to this appeal, she reached Australia in December, 1891, accompanied by her son, Elder W. C. White, and several of her assistants. Her presence in Australia was much appreciated by the new believers, and her messages of counsel regarding the developing work contributed much to firmly establishing denominational interests in this southern continent. She later wrote “When the work, newly started in Australia, was in need of help, our brethren in America desired me to visit this field. They urged that as one whom the Lord was especially teaching, I could help the work here as others could not. I felt no inclination to go and had no light that it was my duty. The journey was a dread to me. I desired to remain at home and complete my work on the life of Christ and other writings. But as the matter was introduced, and the responsible men of the conference expressed their conviction that I, in company with others, should visit this field, I decided to act in accordance with their light.” {E. G. White, Manuscript Releases Volume 2, p. 150}

australiaNot long after her arrival Ellen White saw clearly the urgent need for an institution of learning in Australia, that Seventh-Day Adventist youth might be educated in a Christian environment, and thus workers be trained for service at home and in the island fields. When God clearly indicated His approval of the property, the Avondale Estate was secured. Then, to give encouragement to those in this pioneer enterprise, Mrs. White purchased a good-sized lot nearby and made her home near the new school. This school, God indicated, was to be a pattern of what Adventist educational work should be.

In addition to her many interests in the local work of this pioneer field, Mrs. White found time to write thousands of pages of timely counsel that crossed the seas and guided denominational leaders. She also furnished articles weekly for the Review, Signs, and Instructor. This heavy program greatly delayed her book work, and it was not until 1898 that The Desire of Ageswas brought to completion and made its appearance. [Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing preceded it by two years, andChrist’s Object Lessons and Testimonies for the Church, volume 6, followed in 1900.]

Examining the writings 1891-1900

It is claimed that during this time period Ellen White wrote some things that resulted in a “paradigm shift” in the church’s doctrine regarding the Godhead. This “paradigm shift” is said to have originated in the book The Desire of Ages. We will examine this bold claim by allowing the prophet herself to speak through her writings, keeping in mind all the previous revelations that we have found so far. We are plainly told that truth does not contradict itself, and “new light” only confirmsthe past revelations. We turn now to the writings of this time period, with special emphasis on the book The Desire of Ages..

How is the Holy Spirit of God described (is it an individual being)?

“The divine Spirit that the world’s Redeemer promised to send, is the presence and power of God.” {E. G. White, Signs of the Times, November 23, 1891 par. 1}

“The influence of the Holy Spirit is the life of Christ in the soul.” {E. G. White, Manuscript Releases Volume 4, p. 332} 1896

“The teacher must be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Then the mind and spirit of Christ will be in him, and he will confess Christ in a spiritual and holy life.” {E. G. White, Review and Herald, February 9, 1892 par. 21}

“Jesus is waiting to breathe upon all his disciples, and give them the inspiration of his sanctifying spirit, and transfuse the vital influence from himself to his people. He would have them understand that henceforth they cannot serve two masters. Their lives cannot be divided. Christ is to live in his human agents, and work through their faculties, and act through their capabilities. Their will must be submitted to his will, they must act with his spirit, that it may be no more they that live, but Christ that liveth in them. Jesus is seeking to impress upon them the thought that in giving his Holy Spirit he is giving to them the glory which the Father has given him, that he and his people may be one in God.” {E. G. White, Signs of the Times, October 3, 1892 par. 4}

“I wish to impress upon you the fact that those who have Jesus abiding in the heart by faith, have actually received the Holy Spirit. Every individual who receives Jesus as his personal Saviour, just as surely receives the Holy Spirit to be his Counselor, Sanctifier, Guide, and Witness.” {E. G. White, Manuscript Releases Volume 14, p. 71} 1894

“The work of the holy Spirit is immeasurably great. It is from this source that power and efficiency come to the worker for God;and the holy Spirit is the comforter, as the personal presence of Christ to the soul.” {E. G. White, Review and Herald, November 29, 1892 par. 3}

“Cumbered with humanity, Christ could not be in every place personally; therefore it was altogether for their advantage that He should leave them, go to His father, and send the Holy Spirit to be His successor on earth. The Holy Spirit is Himself divested of the personality of humanity and independent thereof. He would represent Himself as present in all places by His Holy Spirit, as the Omnipresent.” {E. G. White, Manuscript Releases Volume 14, p. 23} 1895

“It is not essential for you to know and be able to define just what the Holy Spirit is. Christ tells us that the Holy Spirit is the Comforter, and the Comforter is the Holy Ghost, “the Spirit of truth, which the Father shall send in My name.” “I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know Him, for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you” [John 14:16, 17]. This refers to the omnipresence of the Spirit of Christ, called the Comforter.” {E. G. White,Manuscript Releases Volume 14, p. 179} 1891

Who is our Comforter (the only one who can truly comfort us)?

“The Saviour is our Comforter. This I have proved Him to be.” {E. G. White, Manuscript Releases Volume 8, p. 49} 1892

“As by faith we look to Jesus, our faith pierces the shadow, and we adore God for His wondrous love in giving Jesus the“ Comforter.” {E. G. White, Manuscript Releases Volume 19, pp. 297, 298} 1892

“But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you.” O how precious are these words to every bereaved soul! Christ is our Guide and Comforter, who comforts us in all our tribulations.” {E. G. White, S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 6, pp. 1076, 1077} 1894

“Christ is formed within, and by His Spirit He fulfils the promise, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.”” {E. G. White, Signs of the Times, September 27, 1899 par. 9}

Christ comes as a Comforter to all who believe. He invites your confidence.” {E. G. White, Manuscript Releases Volume 8, p. 57} 1898

“The reason why the churches are weak and sickly and ready to die, is that the enemy has brought influences of a discouraging nature to bear upon trembling souls. He has sought to shut Jesus from their view as the Comforter, as one who reproves, who warns, who admonishes them, saying, “This is the way, walk ye in it”” {E. G. White, Review and Herald, August 26, 1890 par. 10} (See also 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4; 2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17)

How does Christ come to us to comfort us?

“That Christ should manifest Himself to them, and yet be invisible to the world, was a mystery to the disciples. They could not understand the words of Christ in their spiritual sense. They were thinking of the outward, visible manifestation. They could not take in the fact that they could have the presence of Christ with them, and yet He be unseen by the world. They did not understand the meaning of a spiritual manifestation.” {E. G. White, The Southern Review, September 13, 1898 par. 2}

What is the spirit of man (is it a different individual being)?

“Our personal identity is preserved in the resurrection, though not the same particles of matter or material substance as went into the grave. The wondrous works of God are a mystery to man. The spirit, the character of man, is returned to God, there to be preserved. In the resurrection every man will have his own character.” {E. G. White, S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 6, p. 1093} 1900

“Christians should educate and train their affections and manners according to the pattern of the lifethe Spiritthe character of the divine Teacher.” {E. G. White, Review and Herald, July 18, 1893 par. 3}

“The Lord Jesus, who is the judge of every man, will inquire in reference to many hard-hearted, selfish, scheming transactions, “Who hath required this at your hand?” The spirit, the character, you have manifested has not been at all after the Pattern I have given you in my life and character, when I was upon the earth.” {E. G. White, Review and Herald, October 16, 1894 par. 3}

How else is the Spirit of God described in the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy?

“Who hath directed the Spirit of the LORD, or being his counsellor hath taught him?” “For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?” Isaiah 40:13; Romans 11:34

The same divine mind that is working upon the things of nature is speaking to the hearts of men and creating an inexpressible craving for something they have not. The things of the world cannot satisfy their longing. The Spirit of God is pleading with them to seek for those things that alone can give peace and rest–the grace of Christ, the joy of holiness. Through influences seen and unseen, our Saviour is constantly at work to attract the minds of men from the unsatisfying pleasures of sin to the infinite blessings that may be theirs in Him.” {E. G. White, Steps to Christ, p. 28} 1893, 25

“Character is influence. Christ’s work was to draw minds into sympathy with his own divine mind.” {E. G. White, Review and Herald, September 29, 1891 par. 14}

The Father’s presence encircled Christ, and nothing befell Him but that which infinite love permitted for the blessing of the world. Here was His source of comfort, and it is for us. He who is imbued with the Spirit of Christ abides in Christ. The blow that is aimed at him falls upon the Saviour, who surrounds him with His presence. Whatever comes to him comes from Christ. He has no need to resist evil, for Christ is his defense. Nothing can touch him except by our Lord’s permission, and “all things” that are permitted “work together for good to them that love God.” Romans 8:28.” {E. G. White, Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, p. 71} 1896

Who inspired and guided the sacred historians?

Who but Jesus Christ, by His Spirit and divine power, guided the pens of the sacred historians that to the world might be presented the precious record of the sayings and works of Jesus Christ?” {E. G. White, Manuscript Releases Volume 2, p. 14} 1892

How does Ellen White describe her own inspiration?

“Friday, March 20, I arose early, about half past three o’clock in the morning. While writing upon the fifteenth chapter of John, suddenly a wonderful peace came upon me.

The whole room seemed to be filled with the atmosphere of heaven. A holy, sacred presence seemed to be in my room. I laid down my pen and was in a waiting attitude to see what the Spirit would say unto meI saw no person. I heard no audible voice, but a heavenly watcher seemed close beside me. I felt that I was in the presence of Jesus. The sweet peace and light which seemed to be in my room it is impossible for me to explain or describe. A sacred, holy atmosphere surrounded me, and there were presented to my mind and understanding matters of intense interest and importance. A line of action was laid out before me as if the unseen presence was speaking with me.” {E. G. White, Manuscript Releases Volume 11, p. 326} 1896

“I arose early Thursday morning, about two o’clock, and was writing busily upon the True Vine, when I felt a presence in my room, as I have many times before, and I lost all recollection of what I was about. I seemed to be in the presence of JesusHe was communicating to me that in which I was to be instructed. Everything was so plain that I could not  misunderstand. […] Not an audible word was spoken to my ear, but to my mind. I said, “Lord, I will do as Thou hast commanded.”” {E. G. White,Manuscript Releases Volume 5, p. 147} 1896

Who will make their abode with us, and how?

By the Spirit the Father and the Son will come and make their abode with you.” {E. G. White, The Bible Echo, January 15, 1893 par. 8}


How are the Father and the Son one?

“From eternity there was a complete unity between the Father and the Son. They were two, yet little short of being identical; two in individuality, yet one in spirit, and heart, and character.” {E. G. White, The Youth’s Instructor, December 16, 1897 par. 5}

How is Christ the Son of God?

“A complete offering has been made; for “God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son,”– not a son by creation, as were the angels, nor a son by adoption, as is the forgiven sinner, but a Son begotten in the express image of the Father’s person, and in all the brightness of his majesty and glory, one equal with God in authority, dignity, and divine perfection. In him dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” {E. G. White, Signs of the Times, May 30, 1895 par. 3}


Who was Christ begotten of?

The Eternal Father, the unchangeable one, gave his only begotten Son, tore from his bosom Him who was made in theexpress image of his person, and sent him down to earth to reveal how greatly he loved mankind.” {E. G. White, Review and Herald, July 9, 1895 par. 13}

“He was indeed more than a teacher come from God; he was the only-begotten Son of the Father, the one sent into the world to save those who should believe on him.” {E. G. White, Signs of the Times, November 23, 1891 par. 3}

“Who is Christ?–He is the only begotten Son of the living God. He is to the Father as a word that expresses the thought,–as a thought made audible. Christ is the word of God.” {E. G. White, The Youth’s Instructor, June 28, 1894 par. 9}

He was the only-begotten Son of Godwho was one with the Father from the beginning. By him the worlds were made.” {E. G. White, Signs of the Times, May 28, 1894 par. 1} (See also John 1:14)

“But the Lord’s arrangement, made in council with his only begotten Son, was to leave men free moral agents to a certain length of probation.” {E. G. White, Review and Herald, December 21, 1897 par. 4}

“Though sin has been accumulating for ages, God’s love has never ceased to flow earthward. It was only restrained till a suitable channel was provided for it. Christ, the only begotten Son of God, left the royal courts and came to this world, and through him God poured forth the healing flood of his grace.” {E. G. White, The Youth’s Instructor, March 30, 1899 par. 8}

“In the depths of omnipotent wisdom and mercy the Father took the work of salvation into His own hand. He sent His only begotten Son into the world to live the law of Jehovah. The law, revealed in the character of Christ, was a perfect manifestation of the Father.” {E. G. White, The Bible Echo, November 20, 1899 par. 2}

What is Satan determined that you shall not see, and why?

Satan is determined that men shall not see the love of God which led Him to give His only-begotten Son to save a lost race; for it is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance.” {E. G. White, Selected Messages Book 1, p. 156}1897

Was Christ known as the only begotten Son of God from Old Testament times?

“Joshua represents the people of God standing in the presence of their Redeemer. Satan, with his masterly accusing power, is resisting the plan of Christ for the redemption of his people. The Majesty of heaven, the only begotten of the Father, responds to Satan’s claims. “The Lord said unto Satan, The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan, even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is not this a brand plucked out of the fire? Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and stood before the angel.”” {E. G. White, Review and Herald, June 20, 1893 par. 4}

“[Daniel 3:24, 25 quoted] How did Nebuchadnezzar know that the form of the fourth was like the Son of God? He had heard of the Son of God from the Hebrew captives that were in his kingdom. They had brought the knowledge of theliving God who ruleth all things.” {E. G. White, Review and Herald, May 3, 1892 par. 9, 10}

Did the councils of the Godhead include a third member?

“By Christ the work upon which the fulfillment of God’s purpose rests was accomplished. This was the agreement in the councils of the Godhead. The Father purposed in counsel with His Son that the human family should be tested and proved to see whether they would be allured by the temptations of Satan, or whether they would make Christ their righteousness, keeping God’s commandments, and live. God gave to His Son all who would be true and loyal. Christ covenanted to redeem them from the power of Satan, at the price of His own life.” {E. G. White, Manuscript Releases Volume 21, p. 54} 1898

What does God the Father say to us?

“But God answers: “I did all that could be done for your forefather Adam; I gave him the noblest qualities and the highest powers; my requirements were light upon him. It was because he did not believe my word, did not choose to stand the simple test I imposed upon him, but believed the word of my enemy, that he fell from his holy estate. But in his fallen condition did I not send help? I sent my Son, who was equal with myself, that he might live an example upon earth, and die for man’s transgressions, that you might make no mistakes or failures in obtaining eternal life.” Since such ample provisions have been made for our salvation, shall we be excusable if we put forth no effort to obtain eternal life? God has given his beloved Son to die that we might be saved. What an infinite condescension on the part of the God of heaven!” {E. G. White, Signs of the Times, August 29, 1892 par. 2, 3}

What is the fact that Christ came to proclaim to the world?

“It is our privilege to know God experimentally, and in true knowledge of God is life eternal. The only begotten Son of God was God’s gift to the world, in whose character was revealed the character of him who gave the law to men and angels. He came to proclaim the fact, “The Lord our God is one Lord,” and him only shalt thou serve. He came to make it manifest that, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”” {E. G. White, Review and Herald, March 9, 1897 par. 9}

What is the name given to Christ?

“Jehovah is the name given to Christ.” {E. G. White, Signs of the Times, May 3, 1899, par. 2} (Hebrews 1:4 tells us how)

Therefore, who are the only ones that we are to exalt?

The Father and the Son alone are to be exalted.” {E. G. White, The Youth’s Instructor, July 7, 1898 par. 2}

Examining The Desire of Ages

We should naturally expect that Mrs. White’s writings are in harmony with each other, and they certainly are. We should not expect that in The Desire of Ages Mrs. White will present information that contradicts with all her other writings, and indeed she does not. It would not be consistent with her other writings to present to us now a third divine being besides the Father and Son, and indeed she does not. She would be a false prophet should she now inform everyone that Christ was NOTbegotten of the Father, and indeed she does no such thing. Yet, strange as it is, there are many people who actually believe that Sister White does exactly those very things through the pages of The Desire of Ages. We shall therefore closely examine the passages in this book that pertain to this topic and ascertain the facts for ourselves.

What passage from The Desire of Ages is much misunderstood today?

“In Christ is life, original, unborrowed, underived.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 530}

What light is shed on this passage when we read it in context?

In an article written a year before The Desire of Ages Sister White wrote “”In him was life; and the life was the light of men” (John 1:4). It is not physical life that is here specified, but immortality, the life which is exclusively the property of God. The Word, who was with God, and who was God, had this life. Physical life is something which each individual receives. It is not eternal or immortal; for God, the Life-giver, takes it again. Man has no control over his life. But the life of Christ was unborrowed. No one can take this life from Him. “I lay it down of myself” (John 10: 18), He said. In Him was life, original, unborrowed, underived. This life is not inherent in man. He can possess it only through Christ. He cannot earn it; it is given him as a free gift if he will believe in Christ as His personal Saviour. “This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent” (John 17:3). This is the open fountain of life for the world.” {The Signs of the Times, April 8, 1897 quoted in Selected Messages Book 1, pp. 296, 297} (Note: Original, unborrowed underived life can be GIVEN)


How many things did Christ receive from His Father?

All things Christ received from God, but He took to give.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 21}

Does that include life as well? Does the Father’s life flow through His Son?

“So in the heavenly courts, in His ministry for all created beings: through the beloved Son, the Father’s life flows out to all; through the Son it returns, in praise and joyous service, a tide of love, to the great Source of all. And thus through Christ the circuit of beneficence is complete, representing the character of the great Giver, the law of life.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 21} (Note: The Father’s original, unborrowed, underived life is in His Son. See John 5:26)

Whose life are we given?

“All believers who pass through a natural death, have, through eating the flesh and drinking the blood of the Son of God, eternal life in them, which is the life of Jesus Christ. In dying, Jesus has made it impossible for those who believe on Him to die eternally.” {E. G. White, S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7, p. 926} 1898

“He suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the life which was His.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 25}

“Christ became one flesh with us, in order that we might become one spirit with Him. It is by virtue of this union that we are to come forth from the grave,–not merely as a manifestation of the power of Christ, but because, through faith, His life has become ours. Those who see Christ in His true character, and receive Him into the heart, have everlasting life. It is through the Spirit that Christ dwells in usand the Spirit of God, received into the heart by faith, is the beginning of the life eternal.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 388}

“To the believer, Christ is the resurrection and the life. In our Saviour the life that was lost through sin is restored; for He has life in Himself to quicken whom He will. He is invested with the right to give immortalityThe life that He laid down in humanity, He takes up again, and gives to humanity.” {The Desire of Ages, p 786, 787}

Is the Holy Spirit a third individual being different to the Father and Son?

“The impartation of the Spirit is the impartation of the life of Christ.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 805}

Is the life of Christ a different individual being to Christ?

“Christ gives them the breath of His own spiritthe life of His own life. The Holy Spirit puts forth its highest energies to work in heart and mind.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 827}

The only way in which we can gain a more perfect apprehension of truth is by keeping the heart tender and subdued by the Spirit of Christ.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 494}

“Abiding in Christ means a constant receiving of His Spirit, a life of unreserved surrender to His service.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 676}

“Before the disciples could fulfill their official duties in connection with the church, Christ breathed His Spirit upon them.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 805}

“Through all our trials we have a never-failing Helper. He does not leave us alone to struggle with temptation, to battle with evil, and be finally crushed with burdens and sorrow. Though now He is hidden from mortal sight, the ear of faith can hear His voice saying, Fear not; I am with you.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 483}

Who is the minister of the church on earth?

“While Jesus ministers in the sanctuary above, He is still by His Spirit the minister of the church on earth. He is withdrawn from the eye of sense, but His parting promise is fulfilled, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” Matt. 28:20. While He delegates His power to inferior ministers, His energizing presence is still with His church.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 166}

How many knew of the apostasy of Satan?

“From the beginning, God and Christ knew of the apostasy of Satan, and of the fall of man through the deceptive power of the apostate.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 22}

Who united in a covenant to redeem man should he fall?

“Before the foundations of the earth were laid, the Father and the Son had united in a covenant to redeem man if he should be overcome by SatanThey had clasped Their hands in a solemn pledge that Christ should become the surety for the human race. This pledge Christ has fulfilled. When upon the cross He cried out, “It is finished,” He addressed the Father.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 834}

“God did not ordain that sin should exist, but He foresaw its existence, and made provision to meet the terrible emergency.So great was His love for the world, that He covenanted to give His only-begotten Son, “that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 22}

“To know God is to love Him; His character must be manifested in contrast to the character of Satan. This work only one Being in all the universe could do. Only He who knew the height and depth of the love of God could make it known.”{The Desire of Ages, p. 22}

“To assure us of His immutable counsel of peace, God gave His only-begotten Son to become one of the human family, forever to retain His human nature.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 25}

Where was the only begotten Son of God born?

“The dedication of the first-born had its origin in the earliest times. God had promised to give the First-born of heaven to save the sinner.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 51}

At what age was a Hebrew boy called a son of God?

“Among the Jews the twelfth year was the dividing line between childhood and youth. On completing this year a Hebrew boy was called a son of the law, and also a son of God.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 75}

Was Christ called the Son of God before?

The Son of God, looking upon the world, beheld suffering and misery. With pity He saw how men had become victims of satanic cruelty. He looked with compassion upon those who were being corrupted, murdered, and lost. […] But instead of destroying the world, God sent His Son to save it. Though corruption and defiance might be seen in every part of the alien province, a way for its recovery was provided. At the very crisis, when Satan seemed about to triumph, the Son of God came with the embassage of divine grace.” {The Desire of Ages, pp. 36, 37}

“Jesus was engaged in the work that He had come into the world to do; but Joseph and Mary had neglected theirs. God had shown them high honor in committing to them His Son.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 81}

“Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. In the temple the Son of God was dedicated to the work He had come to do. The priest looked upon Him as he would upon any other child. But though he neither saw nor felt anything unusual, God’s act in giving His Son to the world was acknowledged.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 55}

In the beginning, how many divine beings rested on the Sabbath after creation?

In the beginning the Father and the Son had rested upon the Sabbath after Their work of creation. When “the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them” (Gen. 2:1), the Creator and all heavenly beings rejoiced in contemplation of the glorious scene.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 769}

In the end, who will we worship from one Sabbath to another?

“Heaven and earth will unite in praise, as “from one Sabbath to another” (Isa. 66:23) the nations of the saved shall bow in joyful worship to God and the Lamb.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 770}

Whose name did Christ claim, and who did he avow Himself to be?

“Silence fell upon the vast assembly. The name of God, given to Moses to express the idea of the eternal presence, had been claimed as His own by this Galilean Rabbi. He had announced Himself to be the self-existent One, He who had been promised to Israel, “whose goings forth have been from of old, from the days of eternity.” Micah 5:2, margin. Again the priests and rabbis cried out against Jesus as a blasphemer. His claim to be one with God had before stirred them to take His life, and a few months later they plainly declared, “For a good work we stone Thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that Thou, being a man, makest Thyself God.” John 10:33. Because He was, and avowed Himself to be, the Son of God, they were bent on destroying Him.” {The Desire of Ages, pp. 469, 470}

“The Pharisees had gathered close about Jesus as He answered the question of the scribe. Now turning He put a question to them: “What think ye of Christ? whose son is He?” This question was designed to test their belief concerning the Messiah,–to show whether they regarded Him simply as a man or as the Son of God. […] They did not understand that the Son of David was also the Son of God.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 608, 609}

Who spoke through the prophets of old?

“The Saviour had spoken through all the prophets. “The Spirit of Christ which was in them” “testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.” 1 Peter 1:11.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 234}

Who suffered with Christ on the cross?

But God suffered with His Son. Angels beheld the Saviour’s agony. They saw their Lord enclosed by legions of satanic forces, His nature weighed down with a shuddering, mysterious dread. There was silence in heaven. No harp was touched.Could mortals have viewed the amazement of the angelic host as in silent grief they watched the Father separating His beams of light, love, and glory from His beloved Son, they would better understand how offensive in His sight is sin.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 693}

Why did Satan fall?

It was in seeking to exalt himself above the Son of God that Satan had sinned in heaven.” {The Desire of Ages, p.129}

“So now the tempter seeks to inspire Christ with his own sentiments. “If Thou be the Son of God.” The words rankle with bitterness in his mind.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 118}

Did Satan know who Christ was in heaven?

Satan well knew the position that Christ had held in heaven as the Beloved of the FatherThat the Son of God should come to this earth as a man filled him with amazement and with apprehension. He could not fathom the mystery of this great sacrifice. His selfish soul could not understand such love for the deceived race.” {The Desire of Ages, p.115}

Who took Lucifer’s position of being next in honor to Christ, the Son of God?

“The words of the angel, “I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God,” show that he holds a position of high honor in the heavenly courts. […] Wonderful thought–that the angel who stands next in honor to the Son of God is the one chosen to open the purposes of God to sinful men.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 99}


It was Gabriel, the angel next in rank to the Son of God, who came with the divine message to Daniel.” {The Desire of Ages, p. 234}

Besides The Desire of Ages what do other writings in this period reveal?

“We are altogether too indifferent to God’s blessings. We share his loving care through Jesus Christ, and then forget how much it has cost the Father and the Son to make us fallen mortals sharers of his paternal sympathies.” {E. G. White, Signs of the Times, December 7, 1891 par. 6}

It is the Father who “so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”” {E. G. White, Review and Herald, July 19, 1892 par. 7}

Angels and archangels wonder at this great plan of redemption; they admire and love the Father and the Son as they behold the mercy and love of God; there is no feeling of jealousy as this new temple, renewed in the image of Christ, is presented in its loveliness to stand around the throne of God.” {E. G. White, Manuscript Releases Volume 3, p. 19} 1892

“The great gift of salvation has been placed within our reach at an infinite cost to the Father and the Son.” {E. G. White,Review and Herald, March 10, 1891 par. 2}

“No man, nor even the highest angel, can estimate the great cost; it is known only to the Father and the Son.” {E. G. White,The Bible Echo, October 28, 1895 par. 4}

“In the plan to save a lost world, the counsel was between them both; the covenant of peace was between the Father and the Son.” {E. G. White, Signs of the Times, December 23, 1897 par. 2}

“But in the transgression of man both the Father and the Son were dishonored.” {E. G. White, Signs of the Times, December 12, 1895 par. 7}

“The human family cost God and his Son Jesus Christ an infinite price.” {E. G. White, Special Testimonies On Education, p. 21} 1896

Father and Son are pledged to fulfill the terms of the everlasting covenant.” {E. G. White, The Youth’s Instructor, June 14, 1900 par. 5}

Therefore, should there be any questions as to who are to be exalted?

The Father and the Son alone are to be exalted.” {E. G. White, The Youth’s Instructor, July 7, 1898 par. 2}


It should be obvious to any reader that Mrs. White did not depart from the truths revealed to her in her earlier days. Rather, during this period her writings solidly and unquestionably confirm the fact that there are only two divine beings worthy of our praise and honor; a loving Father and His only begotten Son. There is no third being.

The Holy Spirit is the presence and power of God.
The Holy Spirit is the life of Christ in the soul. He transfuses that vital influence to us.
The Holy Spirit is the glory which the Father gave His Son, and He gives us the same.
Jesus abiding in the heart by faith is equivalent to receiving the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the personal presence of Christ to the soul.
The Holy Spirit is Christ Himself but divested of the personality of humanity.
The Holy Spirit is the omnipresence of the Spirit of Christ, called the Comforter.
Our dear Saviour is our Comforter, not someone else.
Christ comforts us by His presence, unseen by the world.
The spirit of man is his character; the Spirit of God is His mind.
The divine mind speaks to our hearts; God’s Spirit pleads with us.
Christ works to draw our minds into sympathy with His own divine mind.
The Father’s presence encircled Christ and Christ can surround us by His presence.
Jesus Christ, by His own Spirit and power, guided the pens of sacred historians.
When the Spirit spoke to Ellen White, she was in the presence of Jesus.
The Father and the Son are the ones who make their abode with us.
The Father and the Son are two. They are one in spirit.
Christ is not a created son, but He is a begotten Son.
Christ was begotten of His eternal Father, the living God.
God covenanted with His begotten Son to save man. The Father sent us His Son.
Satan is determined that we shall not see God’s love in giving His only begotten Son.
Christ was the only begotten of the Father long before the incarnation (OT times).
The Hebrew boys in Babylon told the king that their God had a Son.
The councils of the Godhead are between the Father and the Son only. No one else.
Christ came from heaven to proclaim the fact “The Lord our God is one Lord”.
The Father’s name, Jehovah, is the name given to Christ.
Only the Father and the Son are to be exalted. There is no one else to be exalted.
The Desire of Ages does not contradict the plain truth regarding the Godhead.
Christ received ALL things from His Father. This included life as well.
Christ was given the original, unborrowed, underived life of His Father.
We are given that very same life of Jesus Christ. We receive His life by becoming one spirit with Him.
The Spirit of God in our hearts is the beginning of the life eternal.
The Holy Spirit is the life of Christ. It is His own breath, the life of His own life.
While Christ is ministering in the sanctuary above, He is still the minister of the church on earth. He does this by His Spirit, His energizing presence.
From the beginning the Father and the Son knew of the apostasy of Satan.
The Father and the Son united in a covenant to redeem man. We are redeemed by the Father and the Son, no one else.
Only Christ could come to reveal the Father to us. There was no other being in the universe that could do this work.
Christ is the only begotten of the Father, the First-born of heaven.
A Hebrew boy was called a son of God at age 12. Christ was the Son of God long before that time arrived.
In the beginning the Father and the Son rested on the Sabbath after creation.
In the end, the nations of the saved will bow and worship the Father and the Son.
Christ claimed His Father’s name on earth, and insisted that He was the Son of God.
The Saviour is the one who spoke through the prophets of old.
The Father suffered with His Son on the cross, to the amazement of the angels.
Satan sinned in heaven by seeking to exalt himself above the Son of God.
Satan still challenged Christ’s divine Son-ship in the wilderness of temptation.
Satan well knew Christ’s position in heaven, as the Beloved Son of God.
When Lucifer fell his post was filled by Gabriel, making him the third highest being.
The other writings besides The Desire of Ages only serve to confirm these truths.
We are saved at an infinite cost to the Father and Son.
The angels love the Father and Son as they behold the plan of redemption.
The infinite cost of our salvation is only known to the Father and Son.
The covenant of peace was between the Father and the Son.
When man fell the Father and the Son were dishonored.
The everlasting covenant is fulfilled by the Father and the Son.
Therefore, it is no surprise that the Father and the Son ALONE are to be exalted.


The Godhead in Black and White

The Early Years 1827-1862

The Progressive Years 1862-1876

The Lonely Years 1876-1891 

The Australian Years 1891-1900

The Crisis Years 1900-1905

The Final Years 1905-1915 

Appendix – (Dr. Kellogg & the Trinity)

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