Poland has officially passed a law outlawing trade as of March 1st, 2018, no buying and selling on Sundays as many countries seek to go cashless. From an article on Breitbart.com we read
“As of March 1, shops and markets will be closed on two Sundays per month; in 2019 only one Sunday a month will be open for shopping; and starting in 2020, there will be no Sunday shopping, with a few exceptions — including for the weeks leading up to Christmas, and for small independent traders.”
The results are soon to come as we watch the leaders across the European continent push the Papal dogma of Climate Change and the Sunday Agenda. The Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki has said that his dream is to re-christianize the EU. And we are seeing this on a large scale.
From another article we read that the “New Polish PM sees return to Christian roots as only way to stop Europe’s decline”. Do you understand what they are all saying?
Just as in the dark ages, “the dragon gave him his seat, power and authority.” (Rev 13:2) So today, the dragon, or State power of Europe, (Rev 12:4, Matt 2:16) is giving its power to the Papacy, the first beast of Revelation 13 to enforce its mark. And just what is the mark of the beast?
“Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change [Saturday Sabbath to Sunday] was her act… And the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical authority in religious things” (H.F. Thomas, Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons).
Now just what are these “ROOTS”? The Prime Minister of Hungary gives us an understanding reading again from an article entitled “Hungary: Governments Should Be ‘Dedicated to Christian Values’ that Made Europe Great.” We read:
“Speaking at a celebratory event marking the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the conservative Fidesz party leader said that it was a duty of his government to protect “the ways of life that have their roots in Christianity”.
It is interesting that it takes a return to Christian roots to “MAKE EUROPE GREAT AGAIN”. Some of this was documented in a video I did called “Donald Trump – Make America Great Again – Church and State”. And a return to Christian roots means returning power back to the church to enforce Sunday.
From another article from the Catholic News Agency website we read “Europe will be ‘adrift’ if it loses Christian roots, faith leaders warn”. So these Catholic roots are the Christian roots that Europe and the European Union is to return to. The leaders in Europe such as Poland’s PM as well as the Hungary PM are wanting to re-establish these Christian Roots.
You see again from Breitbart.com, and it is almost as if there is an agenda here. We read the headline that “Pope Francis Reminds Emmanuel Macron of France’s ‘Christian Tradition’. The article actually talks about King Clovis. History tells us that France gave the power to the Papacy in 508 a few years after King Clovis was baptized and his army was used to uproot 3 tribes in order for the Papacy to rise up in 538 at the defeat of the Ostrogoths ending with the Papacy having complete domination over old Europe. That power was taken by Napoleon of France in 1798. And here we see a call from the Pope to the New President of France being called to return to Christian roots. And furthermore other European leaders to return to the Christian roots.
In fact, in another article from the Jesuit review we read here that “Pope Francis sees hope for European Union, urges leaders to return to roots”. The European Union needs to return to Christian roots? And to return to Christian roots is what will make Europe great again we are told.
Returning to Christian roots. But again, it isn’t just “Christian roots”. It is Roman Catholicism. It is returning to the type of Christian State that was responsible for millions of murders during the dark ages.
A few weeks ago we documented some of the events happening surrounding the push for a cashless society. The Visa CEO offering 10,000 dollars to restaurants to stop using cash. We also documented how the Visa CEO was a big part of bringing Pope Francis to America in 2015. The week before we documented Pope Francis’ push for a human-centered economy, and the drop of the Dow by 666 points right after that, which was the 6th biggest drop in history.
It is interesting how the economy seems to be a central focus of the Papacy. (Rev 13:17, Dan 11:43, Rev 18:3, 11)
Well, this week in Sweden we are told that “No cash accepted” signs are becoming an increasingly common sight in shops and eateries across Sweden as payments go digital and mobile.”
It is interesting to note that Sweden was the place that Pope Francis decided to pick to celebrate the death of Protestantism on reformation day, October 31st, 2018.
There seems to be a huge push for a cashless economy. And many of these people that are pushing for it, all seem to have ties to the Papacy. Tim Cook CEO of Apple who recently met with Pope Francis has said in an interview that he intends to kill cash and has warned that the end of cash is coming.
Apple is apparently profiting up over 500 dollars per Iphone 6 that it was selling. So they have a huge pull in the markets and there is no doubt of the agenda of this mega company. It all flows right in line with the agenda of the Papacy. (Revelation 13:16, 17) It seems the saying might be true, that “All roads lead to Rome” if it wasn’t for the fact that there is a path that leads to the Kingdom of God. (Pro 14:12, John 14:1, 2)
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Grace and Peace to you through God the Father, and Jesus Christ our Lord,
David Barron
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