
Revelation and the Great Controversy

"In the Revelation are portrayed the deep things of God," wrote Ellen White (AA 584). In Revelation and the Great Controversy, the author, a...

The Deadliest Heresy in Seventh Day Adventism – The OMEGA

A prophecy was given 100 years ago by Ellen G. White. It was called the “Omega of Deadly Heresies.” It was prophesied after a...

S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7A (Ellen G. White Comments Only)

"This book is part of a 9-volume set that includes seven volumes of The SDA Bible Commentary, the SDA Bible Dictionary and a special...

Remember the Law of Moses With its Statutes and Judgments – Nailed to the...

  Law of Moses nailed to the cross in 1888 It’s been said by many of our mainstream preachers today that “The Law of Moses was...

The Foundation and Pillars of the Seventh Day Adventist Faith Changed

The Foundation and Pillars of the Seventh Day Adventist Faith Changed? The Pillars Removed Before your Eyes Have the pillars of our Seventh Day Adventist...

Christ is NOT God in “personality” nor “identity”

This study requires a careful read. It is my belief that too many have merely surface read what is written in the SOP without...

Is there a difference between the “Godhead” and “The Trinity” and Ellen White’s use...

This article is generally written for Seventh Day Adventists in regards to the use of certain terms in the bible that were penned by...
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