1. WHAT experience did Daniel have in the third year of Belshazzar? Verse 1. (See note 1.)Daniel 8 - Ram - He-goat

2. Where was he taken in this vision? Verse 2.

3. What did he see? Verse 3.

4. What did the ram represent? Verse 20. (See note 2.)

5. Describe the horns of the ram? Verse 3. (See note 3.)

6. What did the ram do? Verse 4.

7. What came from the west? Verse 5.

8. What did the goat symbolize? Verse 21, first clause.

9. Describe his conflict with the ram. Verses 6, 7.

10. What is said of his power? Verse 8, first clause.

11. When he was strong what happened to the great horn between his eyes? Verse 8.

12. Whom did the great horn represent?”- Verse 21, last clause. (See note 4.)

13. After it was broken, what came up in its place? Verse 8, last clause.

14. What did they symbolize? Verse 22. (See also Dan. 11:1-4, and note 5.)

15. What came out of one of these horns? Verses 9, 23. (See note 6.)

16. “What is said of it? Verses 9, 10. (See note”7.)

17. Against whom did he magnify himself? Verses 11, 25. (See note 8.)

18. What did he take away? Verse 11. (See note 7.)

19. What was given him? Verses 12, 24. (See note 9.)

20. What is said of his work and power? Verses 12, 25. (See note 9.)

21. What will be his fate? Verse 25. (See note 10.)


1. IT was formerly supposed that Belshazzar was the Nabonadius of history, who began his reign in B. o. 555, but later historical researches and inscriptions which have been discovered, indicate quite clearly that Belshazzar was the son of Nabonadius, and that he was associated with his father as ruler, beginning B. c. 540. This would bring the third year of Belshazzar’s reign (the date of Daniel’s vision recorded in chapter 8), B. c. 538, the same year that he was killed and the Babylonian Kingdom was overthrown by Medo-Persia.

This will explain why the vision of chapter 8 does not include a symbol of Babylon. Babylon was to be overthrown that very year, namely, B. c. 538. It will also establish a much closer relation, chronologically, between the eighth and ninth chapters of Daniel, because it places the vision of Daniel 9 in B. c. 538, the same year that he saw the vision of chapters. Thus, instead of the vision of chapter 9 being separated from the vision of chapter 8 by a period of fifteen years, there was only a few months between them.

2. THE ram and goat were not symbols simply of the kings of the countries named, but of the kingdoms over which they ruled. This is clearly shown by verse 21. In the first part of the verse the word “king” is evidently used in the sense of “kingdom,” while in the latter part, the first king of the kingdom (Alexander) is brought to view under the symbol of the great horn between the goat’s eyes.

3. THE horn which was higher than the other represented Persia. Persia had the leading influence in the union between the two nations. It was the stronger and more important power, and it also came up last, or after Media, as indicated by the higher horn coming up last, and by Persia coming last in the name of the kingdom, Medo-Persia, or Media and Persia.

4. ALEXANDER was the first king of Grecia, and the one who figured most largely in the history of that kingdom. He is known in history as Alexander the Great. He rose rapidly to distinction, and while in the zenith of his power died, at the early age of 32, B. c. 323. He was fitly represented by the great horn which was broken.

5. THE four kingdoms into which Grecia was divided after the death of Alexander were as follows: Thrace on the north, Syria on the east, Egypt on the south, and Macedon on the west. This division of Grecia is also clearly brought to view in Dan. 11:1—4, where it is said that the Grecian Kingdom “shall be divided toward the four winds of heaven.”

6. THE Grecian Kingdom was divided into four parts, symbolized by the four horns on the head of the goat. It was out of these horns that Daniel saw this little horn come forth. That is, Rome having conquered Macedonia, which was symbolized by one of the horns, Daniel sees it come forth from that country and push its conquests” toward the south [Egypt], and toward the east [Syria], and toward the pleasant land [Palestine].” This was exactly fulfilled by Rome before the first advent of Christ. From the conquest of ilacedon it rose rapidly to power, and waxed exceeding great.

7. THE little horn, which “waxed exceeding great,” symbolizes Rome throughout its entire history, till it is broken without hand. (See verse 25.) Hence it includes both Pagan and Papal Rome. Rome conquered Grecia B. c. 168, and came into the field of prophecy in B. c. 161, when it formed an alliance with the Jews by what is known as the Jewish League. The Roman legions when arrayed in battle presented a very fierce and warlike appearance, hence Rome is described as a “king of fierce countenance.”

The language of Rome was unknown to the Jews, and hence the expression “understanding dark sentences.” (See Deut. 28: 49, 50.) Rome took away the daily” or continual transgression, paganism, and set up the “transgression of desolation,” papacy, which was more iniquitous than paganism. “It cast down some of the host of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them.” Verse 10. This no doubt refers to the power ‘which Borne exerted in humiliating the dignitaries of both church and State, and oppressing the people of God.

8. To or against the prince of the host. Verse 11, see margin. The prince of the host refers to the Saviour, against whom Rome magnified himself at His first advent.

9. THE policy of Borne was always to secure powerful allies by cunning schemes and crafty plans which would unite their interests with that of Rome, and thus an host was given him, and Rome was mighty, “but not by his own power.” Rome was always arrayed against the people and work of God. She has practiced and prospered in carrying out her iniquitous designs, and she has destroyed the mighty and the holy people, the faithful and loyal ones, who would not yield to her mandates.

10. THE Roman power, existing as the Papacy since A. D. 538, will not be broken or destroyed by human power, or the hand of man, but it will be broken without hand, that is, by the power of God manifested in the flaming fire which will consume “that Wicked” when Christ is revealed from heaven. 2 Thess. 1:7-9; 2:1-8.

Next – The Time of the Judgment

Lesson 1 – Loyalty and Faith Rewarded
Lesson 2 – The Source of Wisdom
Lesson 3 – Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
Lesson 4 – The Fiery Furnace
Lesson 5 – The Source of Power
Lesson 6 – The Handwriting on the Wall
Lesson 7 – Daniel in the Lions’ Den
Lesson 8 – The Vision of the Four Beasts
Lesson 9 – The Little Horn and the Judgment
Lesson 10 – Daniel’s Second Vision
Lesson 11 – The Time of the Judgment
Lesson 12 – The Time Explained
Lesson 13 – The Time of the End