Present Truth Materials

Pioneers Books and Writings -This link is a great source of pioneer writings from pioneers such as James White, EJ Waggoner, AT Jones, Uriah Smith and others.

PDF Selection of books.  Contact us to order paperback copies.

 The Temple of God - Overcoming Disease PDFThe Temple of God  The ComforterThe comforter front  The Book of the LawBook of the law cover  Jerusalem Mother of us AllCover
Created in His ImageCreated cover  The Mystery of LawlessnessMystery of Lawlessness cover  Born Again of Incorruptible SeedBorn Again Cover Ellen White on the Trinityellen cover
What was Abolished?What was abolished cover  Truth About God Studytruth about God  What is the Church?What is the Church The Omega of Deadly HeresiesThe OMEGA OF DEADLY HERESIES COVER
1888 Covenants 1888 - The Covenant Cover  Shall we Keep the FeastsShall we keep the feast cover  Out of the Cities
Loudcry out of cities cover font removed
How to Begin the Biblical Year


Sabbath More Fully Nominal Adventists




Threefold Union
Antichrist Mystery
Pioneers on the Trinity Issue


Lunar Sabbath Exposed



Built Upon the Rock Study Guide Set in PDF

 God’s Church Organization – The House Built on the Rock – “God has a church. It is not the great cathedral, neither is it the national establishment, neither is it the various denominations; it is the people who love God and keep His commandments.“ – Ellen WhiteSee our Tracts and Brochures page for printable material.
List of Chapters of book with links:


1: The Counterfeit Church Organization and the True Building
2: Reformers on the Church
3: Man Appoints a Head to the Organization
4: Foundation and Pillars of our Faith Changed
5: Deadliest Heresy in Seventh Day Adventism
6: God’s church is not confined to an Earthly organization
7: The True Seed of Abraham
8: The Elijah Message
9: Philadelphia – The 144,000
10: A Great Danger Right Before the Plagues are Poured Out
11: The Principles of Separation
12: Not to go and Listen to Error
13: Abomination and 25 Men A Prophecy by Ezekiel
14: Rebuilding That Which is Fallen – Reorganization

15: Church of the Firstborn – The Name of God’s People



Faith and Law

The Gospel in Galatians– A beautiful book that expounds the book of Galatians and really beautifully explains many of the erroneous positions which not only many Sunday keepers have taken but moreso the erroneous views which our modern Seventh Day Adventist Churches have taken today. Learn More…



Health and Healing
Out of Egypt
Truth About God

Who is God?
The Comforter
Faith and Law

The Added Law Deception

What or Who is an Adventist?