The Truth About God – This page is loaded with studies that go over the issue of the truth about God and his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit which is our gift from our almighty father to us. “Christ in you, the hope of glory”(Col 1:27) See More…
Faith and Law – Go to this page to view a handful of studies on Faith and the law. The bible teaches that “the just shall live by faith”(Gal 3:11)and it also teaches the doers of the law are just before God(Rom 2:13but yet we are “not justified by the law”(See Gal 3:11). It also goes over which laws are applicable to us today such as the Sabbath and much more. See More
The Truth About Hell – What happens when we die? See how the love of God is revealed in this amazing study. For God so loved the world that whosoever believeth he gave his only begotten son should not “perish” See More…
The Intercessor– This a reply to a pastor on how Christ is the one who maketh intercession for us. “It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.”(Rom 8:34) See More…
Biblical Health – This study goes into the dietary principles of God and how they keep his people from disease and help them to be clear-minded like Daniel and the three boys in Babylon. See how these principles of ancient Babylon and Egypt apply to spiritual Babylon and Egypt today. Learn more…
Can the Seventh Day Adventist conference church become Babylon? – This is about the conference church and what Ms. Whites writings say on this issue. Many in the conference use her writings to say that the conference church cannot be called Babylon. But many don’t consider time and place and ignore many other testimonies where she tells us of that very possibility that the conference church could be “Weighed in the balances and found wanting” –See More….
Stay on the Ship – The saying in the Seventh Day Adventist conference church is often ‘stay on the ship, it’s going into harbor’. But this amazing study shows what was meant when Ellen White was saying ‘stay on the ship’. Fascinatingly the General Conference of SDA’s is no longer ‘on the ship’. See more…
Michael the Archangel – This study documents the angel of the LORD throughout the Old Testament and how he makes intercession for Israel and how he spoke to many of our Patriarchs including Moses, Abraham and Jacob and finally stood in the fire with the 3 Hebrew boys. Then it goes over the quotes about the “archangel” and “Michael” and we see that there is one being that fits the bill and that Michael was the pre-incarnate “Prince of heaven” The son of the “Majesty on High” and his express likeness. See More…
Laodicea or Philadelphia – This study has many writings from our early pioneers regarding the issue of who the true Seventh Day Adventist Church was. Is it Laodicea or Philadelphia? Check out the amazing prophecy of Laodicea and Philadelphia and how the conference church was prophecied and the presence of God is not in her midst, but yet God is in the midst of his true church right now. See more…
Left Behind Deception – Supposedly, millions of Christians will be “taken” and simply disappear mysteriously, leaving the world wondering where they went. Just what does the bible really intend to teach? See more…
Who Is Israel? – This study goes over the issue of who Israel is in the new covenant? We study the issue of Jews in the heart and spirit as well as Abrahams seed through Christ Jesus. See more…
Which Bible? – When we enter a Christian bookstore in search of a Bible we are confronted with the difficulty of deciding which one to purchase. We find the NIV, RSV, ASV, NASV, The Bible in Basic English, The Living Bible, The Good News Bible, KJV, NKJV, YLT, etc.… See More…
Colorful Cosmetics and Jewelry – Church members and non-members seem to be in quest of the same thing: a religion which does not interfere with personal rights and freedom. Suspicion is aroused instantly against any doctrine which demands the ‘giving up’ of anything. What does the bible say about colorful cosmetics and jewelry? See more…
SDA’s and Sports – The historic viewpoint of Seventh Day Adventists is that competition in general is in opposition to the working of the Holy Spirit. We believe that competition originated with Lucifer. Competition stimulates pride in our children and the same desire that Lucifer had which was to ‘be like the most high’. See more…
Let no man Judge you – God told us that we will be observing new moons in the new heaven and earth. Paul kept the feasts with gentile believers. The Lords supper was celebrated on these days. They were being judged in regards to food and drink, and the Jews were wondering where the sacrifice was. But Paul said ‘let no man judge you’. This article goes over what is truly being said in Colossians 2:14-17. It also looks at some historic Seventh Day Adventist writings by Ellen White
Ceremonial Law SOP – In this brief study we analyze some quotes from the Spirit of Prophecy regarding the ‘ceremonial law’ to see if it is referring to Sabbaths, New Moons, or Feasts. What we have found is that the Ceremonial law refers only to the sacrifices, offerings and the priesthood.
AT Jones on the Feasts – In this short study we look at quotes that show that AT Jones condoned the early church keeping the feasts at the proper times after the cross and that Rome “changed times and laws” including the feast times.
Christmas is it Christian? – Christmas is it Christian – In this study we will learn about the origins of Christmas, and not only that but see that this holiday is not only not of Christian origin but actually is the opposite.
Can’t be tamed – This article was written to depict what is happening in the music industry it discusses a recent video by Miley Cyrus aka Hannah Montana and how she is a tool being used by Satan to demoralize the youth. The actual video depicts an angel in a cage. The article explains how it is Lucifer himself who “Can’t be tamed”. Very revealing and important information if you have children or friends who have children that are into this type of media.
Open Windows– A report from Smyrna Gospel Ministries on the General Conference session of 2010 which goes over issues on a security force for the Conference leaders, rejection of certain groups from having booths, the tithe report, the parade, dancing, ordination of women, evolution as well as other issues. See More…
501(c)3 churches – Giving the church to the State.
Sacred Name – For a few years now there has been a teaching among some Seventh-day Adventists which has become known as The Sacred Name. This teaching declares that the Hebrew personal names of the Father and his Son are to be used when speaking and writing of the divine persons. Some take the case further, stating that terms like God, amen, and even Jesus have pagan origins and should not be used. What is the truth on this matter?
Ted Wilson new General Conference President – A new Conference President has been elected to the conference church. What does prophecy declare regarding these previous presidents as well as the new president. Have these presidents been responsible for much of the apostacy in the Seventh Day Adventist General Conference church- See More…
Letting Catholics off the Hook – Recently an article was published by Adventist today in which the attempt is made to let the Catholics off the hook. But the Spirit of Prophecy and bible teach us differently. And so in this short apologetic Allan Stump gives an answer to those who are attempting to bring us into a unity with the Roman Church. See More…
New Moon Knowledge – The Bible has much to say concerning the moon, both as a heavenly body of illumination, and as an indication of when months and years begin, and when to hold special gatherings. It is also used symbolically in Revelation when John is describing the remnant church, which we will examine towards the end of this study.’At the time of the new moon a sacred festival was celebrated in Israel.’ (Ellen WhitePP 665)
Remember the Law of Moses Rejected in 1888 – Remember the Law of Moses With its Statutes and Judgments – Nailed to the Cross in 1888 – Seventh Day Adventist. Shortly before 1888 a major issue arose regarding ‘The Law in Galatians.’ It ended up that some of our pioneers such as G.I. Butler and Uriah Smith were instrumental in the rejection of the 1888 messsage. Find out why it was rejected and how we still have yet to accept this glorious light today. See More…
3 days and 3 nights a Spirit of Prophecy – This is a study using the writings of Ellen G. White. Many today have said she had nothing to say on this issue and are beginning to profess a Wednesday crucifixion and a Sunday resurrection. However in this study we will clearly discern a Friday crucifixion and a Sunday resurrection.
Christian debate – Christian debate is an oxymoron. A debater seeks to win an argument by posting as much as he can without really hearing what the other person is saying nor responding to the other persons comments. They usually try to stack up a bunch of quotes or scriptures against you in an attempt to be the WINNER in their STRIVING.
Are Enoch, Elijah and Moses in Heaven – Some have said “But, after he was transferred to another place, Enoch died and ceased to be.” But we are told that Enoch “should not see death” so how could he die?
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